
My name is Marisa, I live in Bologna and I’m an artisan.

My jewels are simple. I use natural semi precious stones, sterling silver and bronze. I prefer jewels with an organic look, simple and easy to wear but special and unusual at the same time.

I’m passionate about looking for stones and metals, I spend hours choosing materials, almost picking every stone one by one. I love mixing colors in unconventional ways. I’m focused especially on lost wax techniques, that allow me to have unique pieces with the uneven and imperfect look I want to get. and also to use bronze, a metal otherwise hard to work with.

I create the model in wax, often without making drawings before, The wax piece is then processed and transformed in a metal piece, thanks to the collab with a small family-run micro-casting laboratory that gives me back a raw piece transformed into sterling silver or bronze. Then I polish and modify the piece giving it different finishes (welding, filing, oxidizing, satin finish etc). No two pieces will be the same because I made the choice not to use molds: I always do it over again from the very start, manually recreating the wax model.

I try to replace, whenever possible, environmentally safe products instead of chemical products traditionally used in goldsmith process

I personally take care of every aspect and phase of my work: from the research of the raw materials to the shipping of the finished jewel. I also create a part of my packaging, with papers and textiles, totally plastic-free.The packaging that is not made manually by me, comes from a small Italian firm.